Alta California Elementary School
and Gifted Magnet
Expanded School Based Management Model School

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Alta California Elementary School is an Expanded School Based Management Model School. We encourage parents to be involved and become partners in enhance the school mission and vision. Below are committees parents are encourage to join. Please contact the school office for more information.
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) - First Friday of the Month
ELAC is a committee that services English Learner parents. The committee makes policy recommendations to SSC. In addition, this group provides workshops on attendance, parenting, academics and etc.
Local School Leadership Council (LSLC) - Second Thursday of the Month
LSLC is a committee that make school policy decisions. Examples of this are developing the school calendar, establishing events, setting schedules, creating awards and etc.
School Site Council (SSC) - Third Thursday of the Month
SSC is a committee that adheres to state and federal requirements. This committee oversees budgets, compliance, the safe school plan, school compact, rubic of implementation and etc.